Helper class for recording an animation.

Helps organize and record segments of an animation which can then be exported right into the Animation folder.

This is very experimental and may change.


  • AnimationRecorder



exportDestination: Instance

The Instance in which exported animations will be added and replaced

keyframeRecorder: KeyframeRecorder
tracks: Map<string, CFrameTrack>

A dictionary of CFrameTracks used when exporting

triggerRecorder: TriggerRecorder


  • Exports the current state (KeyframeRecorder and TriggerRecorder) to a ModuleScript to the exportDestination.

    If a child is found in the exportDestination with the same name, replaces that.

    Also see exportAnimation



    • animationName: string

      The name of the exported animation

    • Optional exportType: Module

      Determines how it will be exported. Defaults to Module

    Returns Instance

  • Exports the given KeyframeRecorder and TriggerRecorder to a ModuleScript to the exportDestination.

    If a child is found in the exportDestination with the same name, replaces that.



    • animationName: string

      The name of the exported animation

    • keyframeRecorder: KeyframeRecorder
    • triggerRecorder: TriggerRecorder
    • Optional exportType: Module

      Determines how it will be exported. Defaults to Module

    Returns Instance

  • Like recordSegment, but exports the resulting KeyframeRecorder and TriggerRecorder to a new animation.

    See export for information on exporting



    • segmentName: string

      The name of the resulting animation

    • recorderFunction: RecorderFunction

      Function used to record a segment of animation

    • Optional trackSwitch: boolean

      If true, sets the last keyframe's transitionType to None before recording

    • Optional exportType: Module

      Determines how it will be exported. Defaults to Module

    Returns LuaTuple<[Instance, KeyframeRecorder, TriggerRecorder]>

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