Default constructor
Adds the keyframes from the given recorder to the end of this one
Adds the keyframes from the given range from the given recorder to the end of this
rangeStart: numberOptional
rangeEnd: numberAdds the keyframes from the given recorder to the beginning of this
Adds the keyframes from the given range from the given recorder to the end of this
rangeStart: numberOptional
rangeEnd: numberReturns a copy of this recorder
Clones this recorder's keyframes in the given range
rangeStart: numberOptional
endIndex: numberReturns the first keyframe
Returns the array of Keyframes.
Gets the keyframes in this from the given range.
Returns a Result.
rangeStart: numberOptional
rangeEnd: numberReturns the last keyframe
Inserts the Keyframe at the given index
Removes the last keyframe and returns it.
Adds the keyframe to the end
Removes a Keyframe from this with the given index.
Clones this recorder and reverses the order of the keyframes
Removes the first keyframe and returns it.
Inserts the Keyframe at the beginning
fromConstructs a KeyframeRecorder with the given length (timeAmount).
Denotes this method as static. Do not include in lua.
Time in seconds
Generated using TypeDoc
Records keyframes and keeps track of the total length (in seconds) of all the keyframes. Length between two consecutive keyframes is determined by the first.
Length is calculated whenever a new keyframe is added or removed. When manually editing any keyframe in the recorder's length, call recalculateLength() to fix.