Flags that simulation has passed either track end from the previous keyframe.
If set, will transition will lerp between the previous keyframe's position to the track end and then the track end to this position. This is to prevent "jumps" (the model appearing halfway through the track for one frame).
is the direction which it passed the track end.
- Passed at the very end (at CFrameTrack.length). trackSpeed
should always be positive.false
- Passed at the beginning (at 0). trackSpeed
should always be negative.Time length (in seconds) of this keyframe
Direction of the Model. Used for a quick 180 degree rotation of the model. This is useful for track switching and backwards elements
Position along the track. Is tweened by `transitionType
Name of the track
Current speed. Is tweened by `transitionType
Determines how to transition between this and the next keyframe.
See TransitionType
It is recommended to set to TransitionType.None
when switching tracks.
This will prevent "jumps".
Generated using TypeDoc
Defines data for a keyframe.