Base SimulationState for PhysicsSimulator



cframeTrack: CFrameTrack

CFrameTrack used to determine physics

clampPositionToTrackLength: boolean

If true, train's position will be kept to between [0, cframeTrack.length). If position exceeds this before clamping, hasPassedTrackEnd will be flagged

currentPosition: number

Current position along the track

hasPassedTrackEnd: boolean

Whether the model has passed the track end (0 or CFrameTrack.length) during the simulation.

isValleying: boolean

If true, train is determined to be valleying

isValleyingRange: number

Speed range, between (-speed, speed) which determines if it valleying

maxSimulationTime: number

Max time for the physics simulation before it is forced stopped

maxValleyTime: number

Cutoff time for isValleying before simulation is stopped

modelDirection: boolean

Direction of the Model

stopPositions: StopPosition[]
stopWhenDirectionChanges: boolean

If true, when moveDirection changes, stops the simulation

timeInterval: number

The interval used to simulate

timeValleying: number

Counter for time spent valleying

trackName: string

Name of the track

trackSectionsData: TrackSectionsData

TrackSectionsData for determining how to simulate physics on this track

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