CFrameTrack used to determine physics
If true, train's position will be kept to between [0, cframeTrack.length). If position exceeds this before clamping, hasPassedTrackEnd will be flagged
Current position along the track
Whether the model has passed the track end (0
or CFrameTrack.length
) during the simulation.
If true, train is determined to be valleying
Speed range, between (-speed, speed) which determines if it valleying
Max time for the physics simulation before it is forced stopped
Cutoff time for isValleying
before simulation is stopped
Direction of the Model
If true, when moveDirection changes, stops the simulation
The interval used to simulate
Counter for time spent valleying
Name of the track
TrackSectionsData for determining how to simulate physics on this track
Generated using TypeDoc
Base SimulationState for PhysicsSimulator