If you are reading this, you are proud owner of TheEpicTwin's Roblox Track Ride Framework Plugin!
This Plugin allows you to create CFrame coasters and other track rides.
The Framework itself contains a robust API that allows for many effects and customization.
It has been featured in the following Roblox Theme Parks:
- Universal Studios Roblox
- Astral Lakes
- Roblox Point 3
- Magic Kingdom Theme Park
Please report any bugs to TheEpicTwin!
- TheEpicTwin#2979
- ID: 235119928632410123
- You may not resell, give away, uncopylock, or open source the plugin itself or claim any code inside of it as your own.
- You may not resell, give away, uncopylock, or open source the framework or claim any code inside of it as your own.
- You may not resell, give away, uncopylock, or open source any rides/models/places that utilize my framework (this means models that use my framework to work) unless given explicit permission by the author, TheEpicTwin.
- You may only use the plugin and framework in places you own or develop for.
Pull requests welcome though! Please message me if you have a feature/bug you would like to add.